Sites die hun best doen autisme wetenschappelijk te benaderen en te bespreken.
- Annelies Spek – is hoofd van het Autisme Expertisecentrum, dat per 1 januari 2017 is geopend. Ze is klinisch psycholoog en senior wetenschappelijk onderzoeker. Ze is gepromoveerd op ASS bij volwassenen. Op haar site zijn diverse white papers over autisme te vinden.
- “A perfect storm”: Autistic experiences of menopause and midlife
- A Sociology of Autistic Masking and Camouflaging – PhD Thesis by Dr. Elizabth Radulski
- A Systematic Review of Autistic People and the Criminal Justice System: An Update of King and Murphy (2014)
- Autism’s anatomy: A dissection of the structure and development of a psychiatric concept
- Autism, Inc.: The Autism Industrial Complex
- Chronic pain in autism (1) – by Olga Bogdashina
- Clinical stance on response initiation in autistic adults: co-creating an integrative approach based on theory and lived experiences to act from language, via motor movement to wellbeing
- Conspiracy mentality in autistic and non-autistic individuals
- Exploring experiences of vaccine-related and alternative treatments for individuals with autism: A qualitative study
- Female autism: Grunya Sukhareva’s pioneering description reinterpreted in light of DSM-5-TR and the concept of camouflaging
- Identiteitsontwikkeling bij autisme
- Implementatieonderzoek WerkWeb-Autisme
- Leuven Autism Research (LAuRes)
- Mental health care use of autistic adults: Identifying longitudinal patterns using sequence analysis
- Nederlands Autisme Register (NAR) – grootschalig, langlopend onderzoek naar autisme.
- Neurons look different in children with autism, research finds
- Reacting, Retreating, Regulating, and Reconnecting: How Autistic Adults in the United Kingdom Use Time Alone for Well-Being
- Solitary Persons? the Conceptualisation of Autism as a Contact Disorder by Frankl, Asperger, and Kanner – Proefschrift van Dr. Frederik Boven.
- Stichting Autisme Digitaal
- The experiences of autistic adults who were previously diagnosed with borderline or emotionally unstable personality disorder: A phenomenological study
- The first account of the syndrome Asperger described? – vertaling van het oorspronkelijke artikel van Grunya Sukhareva uit 1926.
- The first account of the syndrome Asperger described, part 2, the girls – tweede artikel van Grunya Sukhareva uit 1927.
- Wetenschappelijk tijdschrift autisme
- What are the autisme research priorities of autistic adults in Scotland? – Studies investigating autistic community research priorities indicate a mismatch between what autism research focuses on and what autistic people want to see researched.